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Family Legacy Planning

Integrating your trust and estate planning with family purpose, next generation stewardship, and governance practices means your wealth is preserved today while your family’s legacy is sustained long into the future.

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Gain insider access to all aspects of family legacy planning – from navigating the potential hazards of wealth transfer taxes to planning for next generation succession and long term management of family wealth.

We provide families and professionals with access to the resources, knowledge, and guidance needed to ensure all of the prosperity earned by older generations is not lost but rather protected and extended, while being mindful of the ever-present need to preserve harmonious family ties.

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The best practices, processes, and tools

Learn the best practices, processes, and tools for designing family meetings, creating formal family governance, and personal/leadership development

understanding family dynamics

Establish a foundational understanding of family dynamics and how you can integrate it into your counseling, bringing instant value to your clients

Access to member only workshops

Enhance beneficiary stewardship through our premier wealth education workshops

Insider expertise and knowledge

Without paying a fortune, get the most important questions and answers to completing estate plans and insider knowledge and innovative ideas to help families organize their operations in a tax-efficient and coordinated fashion

Trust & Estate

Trust & Estate Advisory gives you credible, easy to read information and advice for basic and complex estate plans, sophisticated wealth transfer tax planning and strategies, charitable giving options and vehicles, business succession, post death and trust administration, fiduciary duties and beneficiary rights, and mediation as an alternative dispute resolution.

Family Purpose & Preparation

Family Purpose & Preparation takes head on the significance of human capital cultivation by giving you access to credible, practical information and advice for building family governance; family meetings design and facilitation; next generation stewardship and personal development; conflict resolution and group decision making; defining family values, vision, mission and purpose; and designing workshops for family wealth education.

Family Office Insights

Family Office Insights gives access to valuable information into the unique and complex needs of family offices. From identifying ways to reduce the burden associated with intricate holdings of multiple family branches to providing financial and investment trends and strategies affiliated with the aggregation of wealth.

Access the WealthCAP HUB® Today

Learn how to pass on family wealth in a way that is legally sound, financially advantageous, and preserves family relationships

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